SSE has sold its interest in three public financing initiative (PFI) street lighting entities to a DIF Infrastructure fund. The sale is expected to make £130 million and will conclude SSE’s two-year £1.1 billion programme to reduce debt and raise cash.
The sale was announced in SSE’s 1Q trading update today, when the company also confirmed it was putting a third of its stake in gas network SGN up for sale.
Renewable energy production was down in the quarter compared to the previous year (1.51TWh, compared with 2.2TWh in 2015), while gas and oil generation increased (4.4TWh, compared with 2.42TWh in 2015). The coal fired station at Fiddlers Ferry generated no power in the quarter.
Customer numbers fell to 8.16 million, down from 8.21 million on 31 March 2016, but the fall in customer accounts is slowing. Service contracts increased from 400,000 to 416,000 in the same period.