WPD has won development consent to install a 132kV electric line of 28.6km, connecting the consented Brechfa Forest West wind farm to an existing overhead line near Llandyfaelog.
Overhead line will be employed for 25.3km of the new link and 3.3km will be below ground.
Angus Walker, planning lawyer at BDB, noted in his blog: “There was clearly a strong need case, where not only is the wind farm this will connect already consented and unable to operate without the connection, but as Distribution Network Operator, the applicant has a legal obligation to provide a connection.”
Work will now start on the wind farm, which is being built by Innogy. It will have 28 turbines and will have a capacity of 57MW. It is expected to go into operation in late 2018.
For further discussion of the DCO see Angus Walker’s blog at BDB
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