10MW battery consented for Perthshire

Capbal has won planning consent for a 10MW/5000kWh battery unit on the Feddal Estate, Perthshire. It is Capbal’s first storage scheme in Scotland to secure planning consent.

Capbal expects the Braco facility to enter operation in mid-2019.  Its business partner, NEC, will provide four battery units that are similar in design to a shipping container; the facility will be shielded by landscaping works and the surrounding forest on the Feddal Estate.

David Fyffe, founder and chief executive of Capbal Limited said: “We are delighted to have secured our first storage consent in Scotland at Braco. We have other schemes in the pipeline in Scotland and elsewhere in the UK that will provide greater energy security and support the country’s moves towards a low-carbon energy system.”


Further reading

Smart Energy Europe warns over threat to IEM open market rules with proposed exemptions for ancillary services

OPINION: DSOs and storage? Give the market a chance

Storage ‘should be defined as load, not generation’

New real-time inertia measurement will cut the cost of managing the grid

Fossil generators’ system stability role could be fulfilled by renewables, says UKERC report

KiWi Power financing behind-the-meter storage, seeks more sites

Anesco opens subsidy-free PV/storage project