Octopus Electric Vehicles and EO Charging have combined to launch an all-in-one EV home charging bundle combining EO’s Mini Smart Home charger in the world and Octopus’s Go energy tariff.
EO claims that the charger – smaller than an A5 piece of paper – is the world’s most compact.
Noting that from April 2020, changes to ‘Benefit In Kind’ taxation mean employees can get electric vehicles tax-free, via salary sacrifice schemes, at no cost to their employers the two companies say the launch anticipates a huge increase in demand for effective home charging solutions.
The compact charger costs £369.00. Customers who take advantage of the OEV bundle will get the Nissan Leaf with 8,000 miles per year, the EO Mini Smart Home charger including installation, plus the Octopus GO tariff for an initial leasing cost plus £271 ongoing.
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