Erik Nygard, CEO and co-founder of energy aggregator and trader Limejump, has said the DNO flexibility market is too small for companies like his to focus on.
Limejump “dabbles a little bit in DNO fexibility projects”, Nygaard said. But it’s not a major focus for the company. “They are too small as a market size. We want to make a change and get customers on this journey – focusing on DNO stuf there is not enough for us to go into it. Even National Grid ESO, which spends about a billion pounds a year on balancing the system, does not have that much value to ofer in its markets.
“For anyone taking out of that [Balancing Markets] what are they getting, 10%? Then you have to compete against gas, compete against other aggregators, – it’s not a market that is big enough to only focus on, you have to compete in energy markets.”
This is an extract from an interview in the February edition of New Power Report. Subscribers can log in to read more about changes in the aggregation sector and the options opened up by the company’s acquisition by Shell a year ago.
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