Public consultation opens on Uskmouth conversion to burn waste

Pre-application consultation has begun for a plan to convert the existing Uskmouth coal fired power station near Newport, Wales, to burn waste instead.

After conversion the plant, owned by Simec Atlantis Energy, will burn ‘waste-derived fuel pellets’. Plant owner Simec Atlantis has decided against plans to build a pellet production plant adjacent to the power station. Instead pellets will be fabricated “at alternative locations in England” and transferred to Uskmouth by rail.

Nevertherless, significant new external infrastructure is required to transport and store the fuel pellets, including new silos and a rail extension.

Inside the power plant the fuel combustion equipment has to be converted and other parts of the  plant upgraded.

The Welsh government has amended planning legislation and as a result the Uskmouth Conversion Project PAC will be hosted online on the Simec Atlantis Energy website:

Public comments have to be made by 29 June.

The report will be submitted alongside the full planning application to the local authority, Newport City Council for determination. The statutory timescale for EIA planning application determination is 16 weeks and therefore the company expects NCC to complete determination of the planning application by Q4 2020.