Severn Trent Green Power acquires Andigestion

The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has cleared the way for Severn Trent Green Power (STGP) to acquire Andigestion Limited.
STGP, owned by water and wastewater company Severn Trent, processes collected food waste from UK household at its anaerobic digestion facilities. The acquisition will bring an additional 45GWh of energy generation output every year and STGP says it will give it new reach into Southwest England. It will include cities such as Bristol, Gloucester and Exeter, where it will help more businesses to process and recycle their food waste.
Christer Stoyell, Managing Director of STGP, said, “We welcome today’s decision by the CMA concluding its Phase 1 investigation and providing STGP with the clearance to complete its acquisition of the Andigestion portfolio. This acquisition will improve localised competition and expand the geographical coverage of our market-leading operations. We are extremely excited to welcome all incoming employees into the Green Power business. We believe the existing Andigestion portfolio has the potential for significant growth and we look forward to delivering this in the coming years.”