SGN and Bohr join to improve biomethane availability

SGN’s commercial arm and energy solutions provider Bohr Limited are collaborating to increase the amount of biomethane used in the gas network.
They want to establish a new approach to engineering delivery and lifecycle support for the construction and installation of gas grid entry infrastructure at biomethane plants.
Bohr focuses on bespoke gas blending, measurement and communication solutions, pre-packaged analysis equipment, plant optimisation and servicing. Its co-founder and director Tony Wimpenny said: “This alliance will provide a significant impact on the UK’s energy landscape, demonstrating the viability and benefits of biomethane as a key component in the net zero journey.”
The two compoanies say that by focusing on whole-system resilience, plant availability will be maximised, ensuring increased revenues for anaerobic digestion facility operators, plus more clean energy for producers and customers.