AR6: The industry responds

After a 50% increase in the budget in Allocation Round 6 – Contracts for Difference have been won by 131 renewable energy projects. They include what will be Europe’s largest and second largest windfarm projects, Hornsea 3 and Hornsea 4 off the Yorkshire coast. The projects include the largest floating offshore wind project in the world to reach market, the 400MW Green Volt, which is double the size of Europe’s total installed floating offshore wind capacity. It also includes six new tidal projects
Onshore, there are115 solar and wind projects.
See the full list here

Jess Ralston, Head of Energy at the Energy and Climate Intelligence Unit (ECIU):
“This is good news for consumers, UK PLC and our energy security as these record levels mean cheaper power, jobs and growth as well as helping us transition off gas, which will increasingly come from abroad as North Sea output continues its inevitable decline. The fixed price, at or below the predicted wholesale price, will help to lessen the impact of any future gas price volatility with onshore wind and solar in particular effectively subsidising people’s energy bills.
“The UK’s net zero economy was worth £74 billion last year and this signals the UK is back in business as a good place to invest in renewables helping to secure further future growth.”

Aranav Menon, Research Associate, Aurora Energy Research:
“The failure of AR5 to procure any offshore wind capacity led to vital changes for AR6, such as the implementation of market-reflective Administrative Strike Prices and a dedicated offshore wind pot. Although a highly competitive auction, with significant gains in capacity procurement. more progress is essential to meet the government’s target of 60GW of offshore wind by 2030. AR7 will be the final opportunity to secure the remaining capacity needed to meet these targets.”

Duncan Clark, Senior Vice President and Head of UK & Ireland, Ørsted:
“The important takeaway from this allocation round is that progress is being made, and it’s crucial that this momentum continues to grow. The government has shown it takes renewable energy seriously, and we’re confident it will continue working with the sector to increase the volume of projects deployed in the UK. Offshore wind is key to the nation’s energy security and remains one of the most attractive forms of energy generation, offering low-cost, highly scalable electricity to UK bill payers. Ørsted and the wider industry stands ready to deliver with a substantial pipeline of developments.”

Sue Ferns, Senior Deputy General Secretary, Prospect:
“The success of the most recent CfD auction is positive news for renewable energy investment in the UK.
“This is hopefully the start of a long-term trend proving the certainty investors need which has sadly been lacking in recent years. With secure investment come the good quality, sustainable jobs and skills our economy needs as we strive for next zero.”

Mark Sommerfeld, Deputy Director of Policy, REA:
“Today’s CfD Auction results underscore the critical importance of investing in homegrown renewable energy. By securing record levels of solar and offshore wind at competitive strike prices, the UK is advancing towards a secure, decarbonised, and affordable energy system. This progress will deliver real returns, creating jobs and shielding consumers from the volatility of international fossil fuel markets that have been the root of the energy crisis.
“Along with celebrating these results, we also highlight the importance of looking to future CfD allocation rounds. With delivery dates for projects in this auction already going out to 2029, it is a reminder of the limited time available to contract the generation needed to meet the Government’s 2030 Clean Power Mission. Additionally, not all the technologies required for net zero have fully benefited from the CfD framework. For instance, geothermal power still lacks robust support, and there is also an opportunity to extend the life of existing low-carbon generation assets nearing the end of their current contracts through the CfD, preventing the premature loss of critical renewable generation.”

Ben Morris, Energy & Infrastructure Partner, Forvis Mazars:
“Solar is the big winner from this auction. The level of strike price agreed provides a good balance in our view between promoting new project development and protecting billpayers.
“For offshore wind the picture is less clear cut. The 5GW cleared in AR6 is below current targets and offshore wind plays a key role in achieving net zero targets as it is the only technology that can be deployed at scale. After the failure of last year’s auction, it does though demonstrate that confidence is returning to the market.”

Keith Anderson, Chief Executive, ScottishPower:
“Offshore wind is back on track after last year’s misstep which is great news for consumers. The only solution to weaning the UK off volatile fossil fuels which are the root cause of increasing bills is more clean, green energy. This auction’s success shows this tried and tested investment mechanism, replicated globally, delivers exactly the scale of action needed, with billions of pounds to be pumped into the British economy replacing aging, polluting infrastructure.
“Now the government and GB Energy should focus efforts on supporting new green technologies to unleash their potential, replicate offshore wind’s success and deliver on their ambition of making Britain a clean energy global superpower.”

Nicol Stephen, Chief Executive, Flotation Energy:
“Scotland is already a global pioneer in floating wind. This funding will kickstart the next phase of Europe’s largest floating wind project 80 km off the coast of Northeast Scotland. Green Volt is a huge £2.5 billion project. It will create over 2,800 jobs during construction. Once operational, the floating offshore windfarm will supply clean power to the UK grid, while also supplying renewable electricity to nearby oil and gas platforms.”

Dan McGrail. Chief Executive, RenewableUK:
“The success of today’s auction sends a clear signal that the UK is back in the global race for clean energy investment. This wide range of projects, across technologies, are vital steps in building a clean, affordable energy system and reducing our dependence on expensive fossil fuels. After the failure of last year’s offshore wind auction, it was essential that this auction succeeded and the fact that nine major offshore wind projects have secured contracts will increase investor confidence. There is intense global competition in offshore wind and the next auctions will be crucial for the UK.
“The Government has set a world-leading clean power mission for 2030 and to meet that will need a big step-up from today. The industry stands ready to work with Government to make sure that we’re increasing the amount of new renewables coming through each year to the levels needed to meet the clean power mission”.

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