Western Gateway report supports tidal lagoons in Severn Estuary

A report written by an independent commission for the Western Gateway local partnership has supported investigating tidal lagoons in the Severn Estuary.
The Commission called for tidal range options to be supported in a Tidal Range Energy National Policy Statement and in NESO’s Strategic Spatial Energy Plan. It said there should be public investment in a commercial demonstration project (CDP) in the form of a tidal lagoon in the estuary, rather than a barrage across the estuary, while the Western Gateway should develop a project delivery body for it.
Government should also examine a regulated asset base model for funding follow-on projects.
The commission also recommended a new regional plan to manage all activities in the Severn Estuary, not just energy projects. It said, “This plan should include a statutory Estuary-wide spatial plan covering both land and marine areas, with a strong cross-border governance structure to ensure consistent interpretation of UK and Welsh legislation.”
The Commission was launched in March 2024 by Western Gateway, a partnership of local councils, engineering company Arup and the West of England Local Enterprise Partnership. It had a remit to explore whether there are options for sustainably harnessing renewable energy in the Severn Estuary, exploring a range of options, including looking at what energy technology exists, funding and financing options, how the environment can be protected, social and economic factors. It operated independently from the Western Gateway Partnership’s Board.

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