Labour government lifts de-facto ban on onshore wind

The new Labour government has lifted a ‘de facto’ ban on onshore wind, by revising planning policy to place onshore wind on the same footing as other energy development in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF).
Planning policy included two tests that apply only to onshore wind, which say that development can only be considered acceptable in areas either allocated in a development plan or through Local Development Orders, Neighbourhood Development Orders and Community Right to Build Orders. The only exception is proposals brought forward by Neighbourhood Development Orders and Community Right to Build Orders, where the proposal has proved community support.
DESNZ said that these policy tests no longer apply. The change takes effect today (8 July) and it will be confirmed to Parliament on 18 July, following the State Opening of Parliament.
These changes will also be reflected in the forthcoming NPPF update, which the government said would also include proposals for wider changes to support renewable energy development. It will consult on bringing large onshore proposals into the Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project regime, to support quick determination, followed by a revised National Policy Statement.
The government also promised an update to the Community Benefits Protocol for Onshore Wind in England, saying it would empower local communities to participate in decisions on local infrastructure and they “should rightly benefit from hosting local renewable energy infrastructure.”

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