Polling finds support far outweighs opposition for new wind farms

Fred. Olsen Renewables has claimed a high level of support for accelerated progress on wind power to meet national clean energy targets, based on opinion polling evidence. However, the polling found that government and industry have still to convince the public of the economic growth impact that accelerated renewables investment will have, with only 34% identifying growth as a benefit.
The company said support for onshore windfarms standards at 69%, with opposition to them at just 8%, while two-thirds of people believe it is important that we meet our targets to be net zero by 2050 (2045 in Scotland)
The research, commissioned by Diffley Partnership, collated the views of a representative sample of 1,012 people across the UK during late July, days after the general election. It identified that over half of those who voted for every political party in the General Election, other than Reform UK, believe it is important to meet national climate targets.
Finley Becks-Phelps, UK Development Director at Fred. Olsen Renewables, said the research “shows Nimbyism in retreat across the UK as far as clean power developments are concerned. People support wind power developments, and are hugely supportive even when proposed in their local area.”
RenewableUK’s Head of Policy James Robottom said: “This new polling provides yet more evidence that a clear majority of people throughout the UK consistently support onshore wind and would welcome the opportunity to host new projects in their area.”

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