Author Archive for New Power

Gove: livestream COP sessions to improve transparency

COP sessions could be live-streamed to promote transparency and ensure that national leaders have to tell the same story on the conference steps that they did during negotiating sessions, suggested Michael Grove MP, chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster.  Grove…

OPINION: Consumer action is the key to net zero

Chris Harris says so far consumer action on decarbonisation remains an untapped resource. How can it be harnessed?   Climate change has been on the political agenda at least since the Kyoto Protocol in 1997, driven by the United Nations…

EBRD issues largest-ever green bond

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has issued its largest ever green bond, a US$925 million 5-year Global (SEC Exempt) Environmental Sustainability Bond that will be used to support investment in five areas: energy efficiency, renewable energy, water management,…