Author Archive for New Power

Co-Operative joins Octopus to launch community energy JV

Midcounties Co-operative and Octopus Energy have launched Co-op Community Energy, a joint venture focused entirely on supporting renewable community energy projects across the country. The intention to create the joint venture was announced when Midcounties and Octopus Energy signed a…

Step forward for Greenlink interconnector

Applications have been submitted for environmental permits for the planned Greenlink interconnector between Wales and the Republic of Ireland. Current News reports that a Foreshore Licence application has been submitted to the Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government’s Foreshore…

WPD opens ‘IntraFlex’ two-year flexibility trial

Western Power Distribution has launched IntraFlex, a new innovation project with NODES and Smart Grid Consultancy. It will start with stakeholder engagement aimed at validating the market design and ensuring its value to the UK electricity system. Funded via a Network…

Ofgem: 42 suppliers missed RO payment deadline

There was a shortfall in Renewables Obligation buy-out funds of £205,998,428.26 in September, according to Ofgem figures. The regulator says 42 suppliers did not make their full payment at that time. Although some have now made late payments, Ofgem confirmed that…