Author Archive for New Power

Foresight picks up two wind farms

Foresight has acquired two wind farms, Gruig and Todmorden, with an aggregate generating capacity of 37.5MW from Glennmont Partners. Gruig is a 10 turbine, 25MW, NIROC-accredited wind farm located near Ballymena in Northern Ireland operating since 2009.  Todmorden is a five-turbine, 12.5MW, ROC-accredited…

EDF Energy finds energy efficiency options remain untapped

EDF Energy believes energy efficiency changes could deliver over £45million in savings per year across 4,150 schools, hospitals, hotels, police stations and offices. EDF Energy analysed energy consumption remotely at locations including , using this data to understand the potential for efficiency…

Missing from the Conservative Party conference

For many years, energy fringe meetings at the Conservative Party conference were accompanied by a chorus of muttered ‘no’s and the odd loud ‘tut.  They came from someone at the back, quivering with rage, waiting for the moment they could…

RWE set to shut or convert coal plants

RWE has set out plans to become a carbon-neutral company by 2040. – although it said it will continue to be “a responsible producer of power from all energy sources” including gas-fired generation. It wants to reduce emissions by 70%…