Author Archive for New Power

UK falling behind on climate action, says CCC

Government has to embed the net-zero policy across all levels and departments of government, with strong leadership at the centre, if it is to be delivered, the CCC said. That includes clear and stable policy direction, investable rules and incentives, space for…

Advertising watchdog dismisses challenge over Friends of the Earth claims on fracking’s climate and water fears

The Advertising Standards Agency has decided that Friends of the Earth can claim on its website that “Fracking is incompatible with tackling climate change” and “Fracking risks contaminating groundwater”.  The watchdog rejected a challenge that questioned whether the comments could be substantiated and sugegsted they…

Four companies win in UKPN’s flexibility auction

AMP Clean Energy, Limejump, Powervault and Moixa are the winners in an auction held by UK Power Networks that will deliver 18.1MW of flexibility on its distribution network. The contracts, worth £450,000, will defer more expensive network reinforcement costs. This…