Renewable Energy Holdings has failed in its bid to overturn refusal of development consent for the Mynydd y Gwynt wind farm. Then Secretary of State Amber Rudd refused development consent for the 27-turbine project in November 2015. BDB planning lawyer…
Author Archive for New Power
Tidal Energy in administration
by New Power • • Comments Off
Tidal Energy Ltd has gone into administration. Administrators from Begbies Traynor were appointed on 17 October and told the BBC that “key staff have been retained” to continue TEL’s operations while a buyer is sought. Tidal Energy installed Wales’ first full-scale tidal…
Maighne wind farm denied consent
by New Power • • Comments Off
An Bord Pleanala has refused permission for Element Power Ireland’s proposed 47-turbine Maighne wind farm. The planning agency said the 125MW project straddling the border between Co Kildare and Co Meath was premature, pending the adoption of either a national…
Ofgem finds major untapped potential for demand response in I&C businesses
by New Power • • Comments Off
UK industrial and commercial (I&C) businesses may be able to provide up to 3GW of demand reduction and 1.9GW of demand turn-up to help meet the need for flexibility and balance electricity supply and demand, according to research by regulator…
Successful radar trials improve wind farm prospects
by New Power • • Comments Off
Proposals for what will be one of the largest onshore wind farm developments in Scotland look set to climb off the drawing board now that Glasgow Airport has successfully trialled a new radar system to detect turbines at Bank Group’s…
Norway interconnector could cost a third less than early estimate
by New Power • • Comments Off
The estimate for the construction cost of a new electricity link between between GB and Norway has been reduced. The new link will be owned and operated by National Grid Interconnector Holdings (NGIH) and by Statnett, the Norwegian transmission system…
Abu Dhabi Investment Authority picks up Scotia Gas Networks stake from SSE
by New Power • • Comments Off
SSE has agreed to sell a 16.7% equity stake in Scotia Gas Networks to wholly owned subsidiaries of the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority (ADIA), for £621 million based on an effective economic date of 1 April 2016. SSE owns half…
Capacity Market could bring forward 2GW of battery storage – and two new large gas plants
by New Power • • Comments Off
Batteries could provide almost as much storage as pumped hydro in four years time – if projects that have prequalified for the upcoming T-4 Capacity Market auction win contracts. Over 2GW of battery storage projects have prequalified to enter the…
Capacity Market: BEIS cap on Enterprise-funded schemes ‘does not go far enough’
by New Power • • Comments Off
The government has not gone far enough to stop companies from accessing ‘double subsidy’ that allows them to undercut more beneficial technology in the Capacity Market, according to a report produced by Ecuity for UK Power Reserve. The government has…
Ofgem: temper overambitious ‘Gone Green’ assumptions to manage network spend
by New Power • • Comments Off
National Grid has placed too much weight on its ‘Gone Green’ Future Energy Scenario in the way it proposes to assess where the electricity network requires immediate reinforcement, regulator Ofgem said. It has asked the System Operator to look again…