The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has proposed changes to the way transmission losses are charged among its recommendations to improve competition in the energy industry. The energy lost in transporting power from centralised generating plants to customers has been…
Editor’s blog
The real failures on energy security
by New Power • • Comments Off
Secretary of state Amber Rudd has been looking for energy security in all the wrong places
Three-minute warning on CCS puts a cloud over all UK investment
by New Power • • Comments Off
When considering the effect of George Osborne’s Spending Review, leave aside the messages on climate change and low carbon, if you can, important as they are a few days before those issues are debated in Paris. The withdrawal of funding…
Requiring more gas storage is premature: an ‘energy storage’ obligation could tap existing flexibility in heat, cooling and power more cheaply
by New Power • • Comments Off
I have heard some interesting discussions about gas storage recently. The industry has argued for several years that we need more storage. And, the argument runs, since the market doesn’t seem to support an expansion, customers should provide a subsidy.…
To frack or not to frack?
by New Power • • 1 Comment
Janet Wood says if we have to use fracked gas, it is better to abstract it in the UK, under our close scrutiny, than do it by stealth, over the horizon,
Buy back the big six energy companies, Jeremy Corbyn? Don’t waste our money
by New Power • • Comments Off
The Labour leadership candidate’s plan would waste time and money trying to go back to the 1950s, when there is a 21st century model emerging that includes local ownership
The CMA, P272, and why consumers can’t take the full benefit of smart meters
by New Power • • Comments Off
Energy customers can’t be charged for their real hourly use, even if they have smart meters, because the industry process charges for them on the basis of standard “profiles”. The CMA wants action