
New funding for mobile hydrogen storage supplier

Lancaster-based NanoSUN, which supplies mobile hydrogen storage and refuelling systems, has won £12 million in new funding. The biggest funder was a £9.05 million private equity injection from HydrogenOne Capital Growth plc, with other new investors including Germany’s Westfalen Group.…

Is energy networks’ innovation funding working? Ofgem asks for feedback as it develops new ‘strategic funding’ with bigger role for third parties

Is Ofgem’s innovation framework working? The regulator’s Network Innovation Allowance (NIA), introduced in 2013 has provided funding to over 1000 small technical, commercial or operational projects directly related to the gas and electricity networks. Its Network Innovation Competition (NIC), also…

Scottish small hydro projects change hands

Triple Point Energy Efficiency Infrastructure Company has acquired six hydropower assets in Scotland with a total installed capacity of 4.1MW, all of which have five years or more of operational performance history. The six plants, all feed in tariff accredited,…