
Siemens celebrates 1000 offshore turbines

Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy claimed a milestone when it installed turbine 51 at East Anglia One: it was offshore direct drive wind turbine number 1,000, eight years on from the first the company supplied. The company now has 1000 more direct…

Wales NIC seeks views on energy infrastructure

Grid constraints, the potential for marine renewables and community renewables, and the shift to zero-emission vehicles are among the areas wherethe National Infrastructure Commission Wales (NICW) is seeking evidence to develop its work programme for the coming year. Discussing the…

Balancing Market access set to widen

The next two weeks should see direct access to the Balancing Market (BM) opened up for distributed generation, aggregators and consumers Legally, a modification to the Connection and Use of System (Cusc) rules, now agreed by Ofgem, will introduce the concept…

Rail pension fund buys Tralorg wind farm

BayWa r.e. has sold its Tralorg wind farm in South Ayrshire to UK pension fund RPMI Railpen (Railpen). Tralorg is an eight-turbine wind farm 30km south of Ayr, Scotland, with an installed capacity of 18.8MW. The project is expected to…