One Select, an energy supplier with about 36,000 domestic customers, has ceased to trade and has entered the ‘supplier of last resort’ process. Ofgem will choose a new supplier to take on One Select’s customers as quickly as possible. This supplier…
Ofgem confirms Capacity Market role for co-located storage – including mobile options
by New Power • • Comments Off
Ofgem has published new guidance for companies who want to add storage to renewable energy installations that are supported under the Renewables Obligation (RO) and feed-in tariff (FIT) schemes. Adding storage to such sites was not foreseen when the two…
Three European companies face fines for breaching Remit rules
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Energi Danmark has been fined for market manipulation on the Nordic wholesale electricity market The fine imposed on Energy Danmark is the result of an investigation started by the Danish Regulatory Authority for Energy and referred to the Danish State…
Northern Powergrid seeks flexibility tenders
by New Power • • Comments Off
Northern Powergrid will be seeking expressions of interest for flexibility services for next winter. Initial information was presented at a stakeholder group and it expects to announce dates for the tender shortly. It will be seeking around 14MW of response…
Cyber security network launches EV charger standard
by New Power • • Comments Off
ENCS, the European Network of Cyber Security, and E.DSO, the European Distribution System Operators’ Association for Smart Grids, have announced the launch of cyber-security requirements for electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure. The standard is the first in a series of security standards…
Zappi charger to offer green EV power
by New Power • • 1 Comment
British start up Myenergi has launched ‘Zappi’, a range of smart electric vehicle chargers intended to allow consumers to use green energy sources for transport. The EV chargers combine self-generated domestic energy with green energy from Octopus Energy. There are larger…
Energy traders will require new EU registration in the event of a no-deal Brexit, says Ofgem
by New Power • • Comments Off
Market participants who want to arrange energy trades with or to EU member states will have to register with those states’ national regulators in the event of a ‘no deal’ Brexit, Ofgem has confirmed – but they cannot act now…
Drax and Iberdrola, mid acquisition, agree to share £36M Capacity Market payment risk
by New Power • • Comments Off
Drax and Iberdrola have agreed a risk sharing mechanism over £36 million in Capacity Market (CM) payments for 1 January 2019 to 30 September 2019, which are uncertain after the ECJ set aside the Capacity Market and halted payments. In…
Two more suppliers exiting the market as Ofgem names RO defaulters
by New Power • • Comments Off
Energy suppliers who have met their Renewables Obligation (RO) will have to make quarterly payments to make up a multimillion pound shortfall, Ofgem has announced. Some 14 companies still owed £58.6 million in RO payments at the ‘late payments’ deadline of 31 October. Of…
New platform to run weekly FFR auctions, aiming to attract more suppliers
by New Power • • Comments Off
European power exchange Epex Spot and National Grid Electricity System Operator are developing a platform to host a firm frequency response auction trial in GB next year. The frequency response auction trial will be run every week for service delivery…