
RWE halts development at Tilbury

RWE has decided to freeze the development of Tilbury Energy Centre, based on current market conditions and project costs. The company had been planning for a Combined Cycle Gas Turbine (CCGT) power station with capacity of up to 2.5GW, a…

Planning approval sought for Gleshero wind farm

Simec, part of Sanjeev Gupta’s GFG Alliance, has applied to build a £158 million wind farm at Glenshero. The 168MW scheme, comprising 39 turbines located around eight kilometres north west of Laggan, is being developed on Simec’s behalf by RES. GFG Alliance already…

Biogas project in northeast

Wardley Biogas is to construct a new plant at Wardley, Tyne & Wear, to  convert unwanted organic waste into green gas for use across the region’s heat, power and transport sectors. The £17 million project is supported by BioConstruct, a…

Gas to grid plant completed in Devon

Biogest has completed a 100% anaerobic digestion plant near Exeter, Devon, that can accept a variety of different grass-type feedstocks. The gas produced is being injected into the local gas grid. The plant can be operated with a variety of…

Floating wind farm celebrates first power

Kincardine offshore windfarm (Kowl) has confirmed that its first turbine started generating power off the coast of Kincardineshire on 26 September. The turbine was assembled in Dundee before being moved and anchored in place and the team has also completed the…