
IGEM takes on hydrogen standards project

The Institution of Gas Engineers & Managers (IGEM) is to develop hydrogen standards for the government’s £25 million research and innovation programme. The Hy4Heat programme is a feasibility study into the use of hydrogen for heat in UK homes and…

Hydropower company wants local investors

A hydropower company is seeking investors to join development of a suite of community projects. Eventually, the Highland Community Energy Society wants the general public to join to purchase a community stake amounting to £1.89 million in total in six…

‘Smart data’ review seeks input

Government has announced a ‘smart data’ review intended to use new data-driven technologies and services to improve the consumer experience in regulated markets. The review, jointly launched by the DCMS and BEIS, said consumers struggle to identify the best deals for…

Argonaut Power and Connected Energy team up to offer funded behind-the-meter storage

Flexible energy solution provider Argonaut Power has announced it will work with Connected Energy to offer fully funded energy storage solutions to commercial and industrial customers. E-STOR, the new energy storage systems manufactured and supplied by Connected Energy, will be fully funded and managed by Argonaut Power. E-STOR energy storage systems utilise second life Renault electric…

Consent granted for Eggborough CCGT

The Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy has  granted development consent to Eggborough Power Limited (EPL) to develop a new gas fired power station on the site of its coal fired power station at Eggborough near Selby, North Yorkshire.…