
Battery pipeline grows by over 68% in 12 months

A new RenewableUK report says the UK’s pipeline of battery projects has increased by 68% in a year, up from 50.3GW a year ago to 84.8GW and newer projects are much larger than their predecessors. The EnergyPulse Energy Storage report…

Bristol Airport solar array in operation

Bristol Airport has added 2.8 acres of solar PV to its renewable energy resource, adding 1.5GWh to its annual generation. On site renewable energy will now meet over 10% of the airport’s annual energy needs. Bristol Airport target is 25%…

E.On and Naked Energy pilot Europe-wide collaboration

E.On has announced a partnership with solar heat and hybrid company Naked Energy. The deal will see Naked Energy’s solar technology deployed to commercial and industrial-scale projects across Europe and the UK run by E.On´s business unit Energy Infrastructure Solutions…

COP 28: the industry responds

Dan McGrail, chief executive, RenewableUK: “Transitioning away from fossil fuels as fast as possible is essential, not only to keep us on track for net zero, but also because it enables us to generate electricity at the lowest cost for…

Low Carbon opens second UK solar farm

Low Carbon has successfully connected its second UK solar farm, the 23MW St Clere’s farm in Essex. The project follows the Fox Covert solar farm in Buckinghamshire, which was energised in October. The company aims to have 20GW of new…

Gravitricity joins with ABB for storage development

ABB and Gravitricity are to collaborate to accelerate the development and use of gravity energy storage systems in former mines. Gravitricity has developed GraviStore, a long-duration energy storage system that uses heavy weights in underground shafts, raised and lowered to…