
Scottish wind farm project adds nature trail

RES has included plans for a walking and cycling route called ‘Keirs Glen Trail’ in its planning application to the Scottish Government’s Energy Consents Unit for the Sclenteuch wind farm. The nine turbine wind farm, 3km southwest of Patna in…

Thrive takes on Flexitricity to manage battery

Flexitricity and Thrive Renewables have entered into an optimisation agreement for Thrive’s Feeder Road 20MW battery. The battery will be monitored and dynamically optimised from Flexitricity’s 24/7 control room in Edinburgh. It will be traded across multiple markets, including frequency…

Gresham House takes on Devon solar farm

Gresham House has acquired the 20MW Beavor Grange solar farm near Axminster, Devon, from Anesco. It is the fourth site in a three-year development and construction partnership for 200MW of ground mount solar valued in excess of £100 million. It…