
Energy Security Strategy: the industry responds

Dr Nina Skorupska CBE, Chief Executive, Association for Renewable Energy and Clean Technology (REA): “The Energy Security Strategy is wholly inadequate. If ever there was a time for the government to be bold, this was it, but they have failed…

BEIS sets out plans for Future System Operator

The government has set out details of the planned new Future System Operator (FSO) that will undertake day-to-day operation of the electricity system operator and have a beefed up role in planning the electricity system and facilitating competition. It also…

Ecotricity founder puts company up for sale

Ecotricity founder Dale Vince has decided to sell the company, saying on social media that the aim was to “clear the decks for some new frontiers” including a move into politics. He said on his ‘Carbonista’ podcast that he had…

New funding for MeyGen tidal turbine

Simec Atlantis Energy (SAE) has been granted a non-convertible loan of £2.5 million from Scottish Enterprise, which will allow it to redeploy two more turbines at the MeyGen site in May 2022 and March 2023. This follows the successful deployment…