EMR ‘driving a race to the bottom’
The UK’s Capacity Mechanism and auction for Contracts for Difference are “prioritising short term gains over long term planning”.
The UK’s Capacity Mechanism and auction for Contracts for Difference are “prioritising short term gains over long term planning”.
In a key consultation on future contract Ofgem has sought views on how it should identify “high-value, separable assets” to be constricted in the transmission network that can be opened for competitive tendering.
“We need your flexibility – and those that respond will get payback”.
Catherine Mitchell explains the thinking behind her comment that EMR needs to be revisited, telling Janet Wood the industry needs political buy-in
The EC wants to move towards a 'circular economy' with waste volumes dramatically reduced. But there remains a role for energy from waste. Janet Wood asks whether as well as power, those plants could provide energy services?
The European Commission’s proposed Energy Union will require greater regional cooperation and raises the prospect of energy market regulation at a regional or even EU level, says Siân Crampsie
E.On has paid £7.7 million in redress to Citizens Advice's Energy Best Deal service, after Ofgem confirmed failings in how it dealt with customers after price rises in 2013 and 2014.
Ofgem has opened an investigation into five companies that were successful in National Grid’s first Capacity Market auction. The regulator is investigation whether the companies provided false or misleading planning information.
E.On has placed an order for 116 3.25MW turbines from Vestas – claimed as the UK’s largest single turbine order – for the energy company’s Rampion wind farm, to be built 12km off the south coast of England.
The Energy Networks Association (ENA) is seeking views on how to remove barriers preventing biomethane producers from injecting their gas into the network.