From New Power Report, December 2016 The energy industry requires social dialogue and a coherent sector strategy, says Unison’s Allison Roche, to counterbalance its current fragmentation Unison the union has 1.3 million members working in the public services, which…
Interview: Catherine Mitchell, Professor of Energy Policy, University of Exeter
by New Power •
From New Power Report, June 2015 Catherine Mitchell had a difficult message recently for an energy industry just coming to grips with Electricity Market Reform (EMR). She said EMR needed to be rethought, and the industry restructured. Behind that statement…
Interview: Nina Skorupska Chief Executive, REA
by New Power •
First published in New Power Report January 2015 The Renewable Energy Association’s broad membership means it can focus on developing an economic renewable energy industry, its chief executive tells Janet Wood. Nina Skorupska, chief executive of the Renewable Energy Assocation…
Interview: Katie Black, National Infrastructure Commission
by New Power •
First published in New Power Report, December 2017 Katie Black, head of transport, energy and digital at National Infrastructure Commission, talks to Janet Wood about how her responsibilities converge, and about consulting in how to take the UK’s infrastructure forward…
Ofgem promises to get tough on networks as it consults on changes to price review framework
by New Power •
Ofgem has “learned some valuable lessons” in the first RIIO-determined price control periods, it has admitted, as it opened a consultation on toughening up the regime for its next application from 2021. The RIIO methodology for setting prices was intended…
Central European clocks run slow under persistent frequency deviation
by New Power •
UPDATE: On 8 March Entso-e reported that the deviations had ceased, but added: “This is a first step in the resolution of the issue. The second step is now to develop a plan for returning the missing energy to the…
Smart meter re-installs rise so switching customers can retain smart functions
by New Power •
A small but growing number of smart meter installs are being done to replace recently-installed smart meters, rather than substituting for dumb ‘legacy’ meters, it has emerged. The issue is so-called ‘Smets 1′ meters, which cannot always continue to operate…
3i taps more methane: cash injection for Infinis to acquire Alkane
by New Power •
3i Infrastructure has announced plans to invest an additional £125 million in Infinis so it can acquire Alkane Energy. Infinis is the largest generator of electricity from landfill gas in the UK, in which 3i Infrastructure invested in December 2016.…
Work starts at Achlachan wind farm
by New Power •
Construction has begun on the Achlachan wind farm, one of 15 onshore wind projects to secure a Contract of Difference in 2015. The 10MW, five turbine project is scheduled to be commissioned in early January 2019. Developer Whirlwind Renewables signed a 15-year power purchase…