E.On has confirmed it will sell its 46.65% stake in spin-off Uniper to Fortum for €22 per share. The voluntary takeover offer was made on 7 November. When Uniper was spun off from E.On in 2016. 53.35 percent of Uniper stock…
OPINION: Legislating for a future with electric vehicles
by New Power •
An increase in electric vehicle ownership in the UK is becoming inevitable. Simon Sjenitzer, director – energy & climate change business development at WYG, asks: can legislation help our infrastructure cope? Britain is investing more than £1.2 billion in electric and…
OPINION: swimming against government policy is not easy for hydropower
by New Power •
Hydropower can benefit the environment and gives communities a positive view of renewables, argues Barn Power’s Mark Simon – it is worth continued investment There are 29,000 industrial weirs in England, of which about 1,000 are suitable for small-scale hydropower,…
Toshiba sells Westinghouse nuclear plant unit to Brookfield
by New Power •
Toshiba has sold Westinghouse Electric Company, the nuclear company whose plant design is intended for construction in Moorside, Cumbria, to Canadian asset manager Brookfield for $4.6 billion. Westinghouse’s US reactor company is currently in bankruptcy protection after it was hit…
Restructuring for RWE, cost cutting for offshoot Innogy
by New Power •
RWE has started the new year with a new setup in its generation business. “We want to reposition our portfolio effectively in a changing market environment. This is why we decided last year to make our electricity generation companies more…
Flash update
Will energy customers be in the industry’s driving seat in future? Get your view heard
by New Power •
Will energy customers take control of the industry in future? The British Institute of Energy Economics (BIEE) is looking at the role of customers in the energy sector in a forthcoming conference and it wants contributions from a wide range…
MPs to investigate cyber security of critical infrastructure
by Annabel Andrews •
The Joint Committee on the National Security Strategy (JCNSS) is to launch an inquiry into cyber security with a focus on the UK’s critical infrastructure. In January 2017, the previous Committee launched an inquiry called Cyber Security: UK National Security…
Capacity Market auction targets slimmed
by New Power •
Targets for capacity to be procured in the upcoming Capacity Market auctions have fallen slightly. Capacity to be procured for next winter (in the T-1 auction) has been cut by 1.1GW to 4.9GW. Capacity in the T-4 auction has been…
Gedling Solar Farm generates local honey
by Annabel Andrews •
Foresight Group’s 6MW Gedling Solar Farm in Nottinghamshire has produced honey from hives situated on the farm, managed and collected by The Friends of Gedling Country Park. With a grant provided by Foresight, six beehives were purchased and occupied with…