In the March 2017 issue of New Power Report Janet Wood looked at how blockchains are becoming a reality in the electricity sector Anyone attending power industry conferences and meetings in the past couple of years has heard that blockchains have the potential to transform the…
Launch of Ventient Energy brings new player to onshore wind sector
by New Power •
Ventient Energy launches today. It is the UK’s third largest generator of onshore wind energy, and the largest non-utility owner of onshore wind. The company is seeking growth: chief executive Scott Mackenzie said, “The UK onshore wind market is fragmented, and Ventient Energy…
Pensions investments tilting towards low-carbon
by New Power •
The 2015 COP Paris climate conference was a “game changer” and more global pension funds are pricing climate risk into their portfolios, according to a new survey by Create Research. It found that among the funds, “impact investing – the…
What does the year ahead have in store for transforming utilities? IT companies’ future views
by New Power •
Traditional utilities are transforming into e-utilities, using big data and new IT opportunities to offer services to distributed energy providers, prosumers and connected-home customers. New Power asked companies working at the intersection of energy supply and e-services to give their…
Opinion: The ‘coal’ truth is we need a gas resurgence
by Annabel Andrews •
Peter Hughes argues that the UK still needs large gas plant In the chronicles of Great Britain’s energy industry, 2017 will go down as a significant year. At a time already characterised by change and uncertainty, two events stand out.…
Shetland link cancelled after power station pollution limits delay
by New Power •
Ofgem has rejected plans for an electricity cable between Shetland and mainland GB, because a change in environmental legislation means it is not needed urgently. The regulator said cheaper options could now be employed and would be more flexible to…
‘Deep concern’ over renewables investment: industry responds to budget
by New Power •
No new funds will be made available for the Levy Control Framework, which funds new renewable electricity projects, until at least 2025, according to budget documents. Auctions planned to 2020 will go ahead. There was also little clarity on a…
Hinkley Point C: government made ‘grave strategic errors’ and customers will bear the cost for decades, says Public Accounts Committee
by New Power •
MPs on the Public Accounts Committee have blasted the government for its “blinkered determination” to agree a deal on a new nuclear plant at Hinkley Point C, ”regardless of changing circumstances”. It said government should have considered the case for different financing structures where risk was shared, although it…
Ofgem reiterates need for reliable market information as it publishes Remit data
by New Power •
Ofgem has carried out 11 investigations into behaviour in energy markets, taken forward from 677 ‘alerts’ about potentially concerning behaviour, since 2013. the regulator said. The figures came in an update on outcomes of the EU’s ‘Remit’ reporting system…