An invitation to tender (ITT) is due for publication this week for for Alternative Home Area Network technologies and solutions. The Alt HAN procurement is part of the smart meter rollout. It is needed to address 3.5% of buildings where…
Shell brings rapid EV charging to garage forecourts
by Annabel Andrews •
Shell has launched a new on-forecourt electric vehicle (EV) rapid charging service. The service is currently available at three Shell garages in London, Surrey and Derby, and will expand to seven more garages in Greater London and Reading by the…
UK holds place in top ten renewable energy investment destinations, says EY
by Annabel Andrews •
The UK has held it’s place at number ten in EY’s index of the world’s most attractive renewable energy markets. The report’s authors cited the results of second contract for difference (CfD) auction as contributing to the UK’s place in the…
Energy future: forget security of supply, the trilemma and regulation, says think-tank
by New Power •
The energy sectors being held back by outdated policy obsessions that have dominated and distorted policy making and regulation for too long, says a new report by Challenging Ideas and Imperial College Business School. The group wants to sweep away easy…
Shell invites low-carbon innovators to apply for funding
by New Power •
Low carbon enterprises have until 6 November to apply for funding from Shell’s ‘Springboard’ competition. Up for grans is a national prize of £150,000, plus a further five regional awards worth £40,000 each. Shell UK country chair Sinead Lynch said:…
BEIS opens £10 million funding competition for energy entrepreneurs
by New Power •
The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) has opened Phase 6 of the Energy Entrepreneurs Fund for applications. The fund is a competition that supports development and demonstration of state of the art technologies, products and processes in…
Industry ‘must rethink IT strategy’ to get value for money, says Xoserve chief
by New Power •
The energy industry could get more value for money from its big technology programmes by copying the approach of other sectors and “bleeding dry” its existing systems. That is the view of Xoserve chief executive Sian Baldwin, who has joined…
OPINION: Future Energy Scenarios reveal looming failures over security of supply
by New Power •
Mark Howitt argues that the government’s measures are failing to provide secure power over the long term National Grid’s 2017 Future Energy Scenarios, which set out four ways energy could evolve to 2050, only has one scenario – Two Degrees…
Energy sector reacts to government’s clean growth strategy
by Annabel Andrews •
The energy sector has been responding to the government’s Clean Growth Strategy. Energy Institute chief executive Louise Kingham said: “Putting CCS back at the table and action to tackle emissions from heat, alongside renewables, nuclear and electric vehicles make this a credible plan… Hitting…