Demand Turn-Up has been “killed before it got going”, an industry member told New Power after the results of National Grid’s fixed tender for the service were announced. In the tender, 138.6MW of fixed volume was accepted from tenders totalling…
Flash update
Industry code bodies – download our quick guide
by New Power •
Download our quick guide to industry codes and code administrators: Code bodies – a summary Join the debate: Code adminstrators facing major industry change call on Ofgem for leadership For industry codes, form should follow function and the customer comes…
Gas engines ‘could be transplanted overseas’ despite Capacity Market penalties if Triad benefits are not grandfathered
by New Power •
So-called car-park generators could walk away from capacity market (CM) contracts if regulator Ofgem goes ahead with plans to cut Triad payments – and that could include dismantling and exporting plants that have already been built, New Power has been…
Industry warned to get ready for Project Nexus Go-Live
by Annabel Andrews •
Ofgem has warned the entire energy industry has to be ready for Project Nexus Go-Live this month. Project Nexus is the implementation of new business processes for gas settlement reform and the single service provision for all gas transporters. The system will cover…
Renewables subsidy cuts send energy entrepreneurs to battery storage, says SmartestEnergy
by Annabel Andrews •
Growth in independent renewable projects has flatlined in the wake of deep and sudden subsidy cuts, according to SmartestEnergy’s fifth annual Energy Entrepreneurs Report, released today. Energy entrepreneurs outside the traditional electricity supply sector are now turning to the storage sector as…
Nissan and Eaton combine to launch domestic storage product
by New Power •
Nissan has joined forces with Eaton to launch a domestic energy storage product, known as xStorage, that can use recycled lithium ion batteries. The storage is expected to be used by consumers with rooftop PV to maximise returns from feed-in…
Longread, Perspective
OPINION: For industry codes, form should follow function and the customer comes first
by New Power •
Tony Thornton, head of transformation at Gemserv, says a single Retail Energy Code could help support a simplified consumer-centric code governance model, but it must be implemented around a complex reform programme already under way. Aligning codes to function is a…
Vattenfall launches green energy offer for UK business customers
by New Power •
Swedish energy company Vattenfall has launched a green energy supply product for UK business customers, to be called ‘Fresh’ (‘Flexible, Renewable Electricity, Supplied Honestly’). Vattenfall, which is 100% owned by the Swedish state and has over 6 million customers across…
Brexit ‘puts operation of the UK nuclear industry at risk’, warns Select Committee
by New Power •
“The continued operations of the UK nuclear industry are at risk,” said Iain Wright MP, chair of the Business, Innovation and Skills Committee, because “The impact of Brexit on Euratom has not been thought through.” He said ministers must act…