Japanese utility Tokyo Electric Power has announced a £500,000 equity investment in Moixa Energy Holdings, the UK residential battery company. “We are excited to welcome Moixa to our modest, but growing portfolio of innovative startups,” said Hirokazu Yamaguchi, executive general…
Brexit ambiguity worrying UK energy leaders, report finds
by Annabel Andrews •
Brexit has left the UK’s commitment to future sustainable energy projects uncertain, according to a new report from the World Energy Council think-tank, World Energy Issues Monitor 2017: ‘Exposing the New Energy Realities. The report found that UK’s decision to…
OPINION: The energy industry needs a ‘grand bargain’ on flexibility
by New Power •
The future of European energy depends on flexibility. This calls for a regulatory rethink based on a grand bargain between all players, says Simon Hobday, partner at Osborne Clarke If the future’s bright, the future’s flexible. The two go…
Flash update
Sheringham Shoal OFTO misses out on £85k costs payment due to email error
by Annabel Andrews •
Blue Transmission Sheringham Shoal , the company that owns and operates the link connecting the Sheringham Shoal offshore wind farm to the GB network, has missed out on a £85,420.08 contingent event adjustment (CEA), after its email to Ofgem failed to arrive…
Engie exits Moorside nuclear project
by New Power •
Engie has announced it is withdrawing from NuGen, the company that plans to build three Westinghouse AP1000 reactors at Moorside in West Cumbria. It said NuGen is “facing some significant challenges” and as a result Engie would exercise its rights…
Step forward for new nuclear at Wylfa
by New Power •
Horizon Nuclear Power has applied to the Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR) for a nuclear site licence for its planned Wylfa Newydd power station. The site licence is a key stage in Horizon’s plan to build and operate two ABWR…
Ofgem moves to limit back-billing to 12 months
by Annabel Andrews •
Suppliers will not be allowed to back-bill customers for energy used more than 12 months ago under new proposals from Ofgem, expected to come into force later this year. Ofgem has written to energy suppliers to announce its intention to…
ACER rejects as ‘largely indequate’ European energy network modelling
by New Power •
Europe’s Agency for the Co-Ordination of Energy Regulators (ACER) has sent back proposals for a interlinked modeling of European gas and electricity markets, saying that “In the Agency’s view, the model is largely inadequate.” It said more work was needed…
Extra Energy remains in bottom place for business complaints handling
by Annabel Andrews •
Extra Energy has come bottom of Citizens Advice’s complaints league table for business customers for the second time, receiving a ratio of 1231.2 complaints per 10,000 customers. The ranking measures how effectively energy suppliers are dealing with complaints from small business…