Mendip Green Party is offering a one-off payment for customers switching from any supplier using nuclear energy to Ecotricity or Good Energy. It has promised £20 to customers who switch a single fuel and £40 for a dual-fuel switch. The…
Carbon Trust launches competition to reduce cable damage during offshore construction
by Annabel Andrews •
The Carbon Trust’s Offshore Wind Accelerator (OWA) has launched a new global innovation competition to find and fund the development of innovative solutions to a challenge facing the offshore wind farm industry today: how to monitor the condition of subsea…
European Commission gives €20.3m to Atlantis for tidal array project
by Annabel Andrews •
Tidal power company Atlantis has secured a €20.3m grant from the European Commission for its MeyGen Phase 1B project, which will be developed by the Demotide Consortium. Demotide will design, build and operate a 6MW turbine array, MeyGen Phase 1B, in…
National Grid prepares to manage 3-5GW of excess inflexible power in the summer of 2017
by New Power •
National Grid expects to have to manage excess generation of 3-5GW during the summer of 2017 and has announced plans to procure more so-called ‘footroom’ services to soak up the power overspill. Services will include a major expansion of ‘Demand…
Holyrood seeks views on management of Scottish Crown Estate
by Annabel Andrews •
The Scottish government has launched a 12-week consultation on the long term framework for the devolved management of the Crown Estate in Scotland. The devolution of the management and revenue of the Crown Estate in Scotland was recommended by the Smith…
The Internet of Things: utilities warned they may lose the customer relationship
by New Power •
The Internet of Things is coming and it could see traditional energy utilities’ business slip away. That was the message from a survey on the IoT published in the January issue of New Power Report. Utilities have to act now…
OPINION: Renewable energy offers a Brexit lifeline to farmers
by New Power •
David Clubb, director of RenewableUK Cymru, argues that rural communities unsure about how Brexit will affect subsidies should not discount the opportunities for energy projects The farming community is no stranger to change, but the coming years will test the…
FSB wants energy industry supply chain opened to small businesses as it reveals 12% are self-generators
by New Power •
Small businesses in the UK are concerned about energy security and believe the UK should be more self-sufficient, according to a new report from the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB). But they are optimistic about the role of renewable energy…
Challenger supplier Green Energy UK offers ‘time of day’ tariff
by New Power •
Green Energy UK has launched a variable tariff for residential electricity customers, claiming it will give customers more control over their energy bills. The new tariff is called TIDE. Doug Stewart, Green Energy UK’s chief executive, said: “The introduction of…