Nine European offshore wind developers – Dong Energy, EnBW, E.On, Iberdrola, RWE, SSE, Statkraft, Statoil and Vattenfall – have signed up to to collectively invest at least £6.4 million to bring the cost of offshore wind below £100 per MWh…
Atlantis tidal to share grid capacity with local wind farm
by Annabel Andrews •
A local wind farm will be able to access the distribution network when the MeyGen tidal project is generating less than its maximum output, thanks to an agreement signed between the project’s owner, Atlantis, and Lochend Wind Energy. This will allow…
MPs to investigate Brexit’s impact on climate change policy
by Annabel Andrews •
The Energy and Climate Change Committee has launched an inquiry into the implications for UK climate policy of leaving the European Union. The committee said: “The UK’s climate-change agenda has been driven by a mixture of national and international policies.…
Eon back to piling work at Rampion after break for fish breeding season
by Annabel Andrews •
Eon recommenced piling work this week, ready to install foundations for its planned 116-turbine wind farm 13km off the Sussex coast at Rampion. Piling work had to stop on the 400MW wind farm earlier this year for the black bream spawning season…
Carlton Power wins stay of execution for Trafford CCGT termination
by New Power •
Secretary of State Amber Rudd has agreed a three-month extension to the termination date for Carlton Power’s Capacity Market contract in respect of a planned CCGT at Trafford in Manchester. The date has been extended from 26 September to 19…
Go Compare helps energy customers count the cost of charging visitors’ devices
by Annabel Andrews • Energy has launched a new tool to help UK bill payers understand how little it costs to let their friends charge devices such as smartphones, tablets and laptops at their property. The Charger Tariff Calculator takes into account the average cost…
GB is failing on renewable energy targets, says National Grid
by New Power •
The UK will miss its target for 15% of energy use to come from renewable energy sources by 2020 in all the “Future Energy Scenarios” published by National Grid today. The target is not achieved until 2022 in the “Gone…
Ofgem opens investigation into Extra Energy
by Annabel Andrews •
Ofgem has today opened an investigation into whether Extra Energy broke rules relating to billing, customer service and complaints handling. The investigation is examining whether Extra Energy breached Ofgem’s Standards of Conduct, which are aimed at ensuring suppliers treat customers…
As hydro pumped storage hits a regulatory impasse, are batteries heading for a ‘bubble’
by New Power •
Regulatory uncertainty is holding back a new generation of pumped hydro storage projects across the UK’s mountainous Celtic fringes, despite the growing need to balance variable output from renewable sources. A handful of large new-build projects are clamouring for greater…