National Grid has attracted just a fraction of its target in a new demand response product that would help manage system stresses. Rebecca Yang, commercial manager at National Grid, told New Power that the new product (enhanced Stor) was a…
Government CCS funding cuts put climate agreements at risk, say MPs
by Annabel Andrews •
The government’s decision to pull funding for carbon capture and storage (CCS) will delay the technology’s deployment in the UK and could prevent the UK meeting climate change commitments agreed at the Paris COP21 summit, the Energy and Climate Change Committee has warned.
Dong Energy seeks to cut balancing exposure by using large-customer flexibility
by New Power •
Dong Energy is acting to reduce its imbalance costs by inviting business customers to reduce their demand at times when wind generation is low and increase when it is high – and share the savings. In the so-called Renewable Balancing…
Scottish Renewables raises concerns about Scottish land use strategy
by Annabel Andrews •
Industry body Scottish Renewables has raised concern that renewable energy is “seemingly all but absent” from the Scottish Government’s draft land use strategy (DLUS) for Scotland, covering 2016 – 2021. The land use policy sets out a strategic approach to land…
Eggborough signs SBR contract for 2016/17 capacity
by New Power •
Eggborough has signed a contract to supply 775MW of power in National Grid’s Supplemental Balancing Reserve for the winter of 2016/17 following a December auction (see table below). As reported in New Power (January 2016 issue, subscribers login to read),…
More interconnectors could push up energy costs and carbon emissions, says study
by Annabel Andrews •
More interconnection with Europe will push up energy costs and carbon emissions, without ensuring security of supply, says a new report by Aurora Energy Research. Aurora Energy Research, an independent energy market analytics firm, looked into the impact of new electricity…
Will the European Energy Union transform the sector?
by New Power •
The introduction of a European Energy Union in late 2014 by incoming Commissioner Maroš Šefčovič grabbed the headlines for much of 2015, heralding a positive step change in the functioning of the energy sector. However, the actual substance of the…
Lords blast Government’s onshore wind changes impact assesment
by Annabel Andrews •
The Government’s attempts to devolve planning decisions for onshore wind lack have been criticised by the House of Lords Secondary Legislation Scrutiny Committee for containing “insufficient information” In a scathing report focusing on the Draft Infrastructure Planning (Onshore Wind Generating Stations) Order 2016 and…
Flash update
Dong operating profit up by 13 per cent in 2015
by Annabel Andrews •
Dong Energy’s operating profit (EBITDA) rose 13 per cent to 18.5 billion DKR in 2015. The company said: “The positive development in operations compared to last year can mainly be attributed to higher production from offshore wind, higher levels of…