Janet Wood says if we have to use fracked gas, it is better to abstract it in the UK, under our close scrutiny, than do it by stealth, over the horizon,
It’s time to go for gas
by New Power •
Clive Moffatt, an advisor to independent generators, equipment providers and financial institutions on the implications of Electricity Market Reform, argues that we should address the shortcomings of EMR and recognise the central role of gas in delivering affordable and secure energy
Price regulation and switching: what’s the experience?
by New Power •
Philip Lewis, chief executive of European energy customer consultancy VaasaETT, comments on the Competition and Markets Authority recommendations, based on experience of regulated tariffs elsewhere.
Will consumers benefit from CMA remedies? Citizens Advice remains uncertain
by New Power •
Rich Hall, Infrastructure policy manager – Consumer Futures, at Citizens Advice, says the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) understands the symptoms of the energy industry competition problem, but not the causes.
A new framework for the energy industry?
by New Power •
New thinking for the energy industry? Catherine Mitchell, professor of energy policy at the University of Exeter, sets out her vision of a new industry framework
Editor's blog
Buy back the big six energy companies, Jeremy Corbyn? Don’t waste our money
by New Power •
The Labour leadership candidate’s plan would waste time and money trying to go back to the 1950s, when there is a 21st century model emerging that includes local ownership
Who will suffer from cuts in green levies?
by New Power •
Jon Ferris, head of energy markets, at Utilitywise, looks across changes in the landscape of green levies and subsidies Government acted in July to try to keep the Levy Control Framework (LCF) below the cap of £7.6 billion in 2020/21.…
Editor's blog
The CMA, P272, and why consumers can’t take the full benefit of smart meters
by New Power •
Energy customers can’t be charged for their real hourly use, even if they have smart meters, because the industry process charges for them on the basis of standard “profiles”. The CMA wants action
Flash update
Ofgem delays ‘window’ for new interconnectors but some projects are in line for EU cash
by New Power •
A ‘window’ for new interconnector developers to apply for a ‘cap and floor’ deal on returns for new projects has been delayed to 2016. The first such window was opened last year and closed in September. Ofgem said then that…