In September New Power interviewed Derek Lickorish, chair of the Fuel Poverty Advisory Group. He said: “If we are not careful we are seduced into the notion that this is all about the energy companies. That is very dangerous and…
ECO attack is a distraction technique by energy companies
by New Power •
The BBC is reporting that next Thursday the Government will announce that the only nationwide programme designed to help householders make their homes more energy efficient is to be cut by 50%. It is absolutely disgraceful that the big energy…
Price freeze “will distort the market”, says Littlechild
by New Power •
Ex-energy regulator Stephen Littlechild takes issue with Labour’s energy market reform proposals this month’s New Power: On the price freeze: “It’s going to distort the market, it’s going to discourage investment, it’s going to impact not just on the retail…
Flash update
National Grid’s cure will not fix the ‘problem’ of distributed generation benefits
by New Power •
Franck Latrémolière argues that wider transmission charging questions should be addressed before considering whether distributed generation benefits are appropriate At present, distribution-connected generators below 100MW are treated as negative demand. They have no transmission entry capacity and therefore no…
Flash update
A ‘backstop offtaker’ is needed to help independent generators
by New Power •
Decc’s “backstop offtaker” is critical in providing market options for independent generators, and it should be available from mid-2014, argues Nigel Cornwall Independent players are key to helping deliver the three key energy policy objectives of sustainability, security of supply,…
What next for nuclear waste?
by New Power •
Ross Hayman of public relations and stakeholder engagement consultancy Copper says the government should learn from its most recent failed attempt to find a home for nuclear waste. The time for delay is past. The search for an underground site…
Decc is talking greenwash on renewables jobs
by New Power •
Alex Henney argues that the government has been over-optimistic in estimating the number of new jobs that will be created as a result of its low-carbon power policies A press release from the Department of Energy and Climate Change…
In the October 2013 issue
by New Power •
DATA: utility-scale PV projects INTERVIEW: KEVIN MCCULLOUGH, CEO, UK COAL PRODUCTION LTD “I know from my past role [at Npower] where [UK coal- fired power] is coming from and 5-6% is coming from the UK. The country may not want to…
Flash update
The latest market reforms reduce the apparent need for STOR
by New Power •
Graham Shuttleworth and George Anstey, examine the interactions between an existing market intervention – Short Term Operating Reserve – and planned measures including the Capacity Market and new cash-out arrangements