Capacity Market uncertainty grows
All eyes are on the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) as two major decisions on the Capacity Market extended uncertainty over the mechanism out to 2021.
All eyes are on the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) as two major decisions on the Capacity Market extended uncertainty over the mechanism out to 2021.
In last month’s issue, New Power discussed new financing structures in the energy sector: TTT, CfD, RAB and SPV. Lawyers Addleshaw Goddard compared the latter with a new counterpart in water – DCP.
Triton Power is grappling with the Capacity Market hiatus alongside other issues. Janet Wood talked them over with president and chief operating officer Mick Farr and commercial director Scott Keen
At Ofgem and Decc, Maxine Frerk was at the centre of major industry steps towards a smart system, including RIIO and the smart meter rollout. She spoke to Janet Wood about those developments now
There is a gap at the centre of energy skills strategy, says Nick Ellins. It has needs a strategic approach at least equal to the industries that rely on it
Lawrence Slade argues that the Capacity Market is a necessary measure to maintain both supplies and investor confidence. The current hiatus should be seen as an opportunity for reform – not the end of the measure
Volkswagen has decided to enter the electricity supply market, initially to charge electric
vehicles – supplying both the ‘fuel’ and the infrastructure – but soon as an electricity supplier in its own right.
The centralised power industry was mirrored by industrial conglomerates that were able to design and develop large-scale power stations. They too have had to restructure in an evolving power industry.
The energy industry has some new talismans. The SPV can cut costs, says the regulator, and the RAB can help bring forward difficult investments, say proponents. Janet Wood took a look behind the initials
Joseph Dutton says the UK may find interconnectors harder to finance and build after Brexit